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Vent your crawl with fresh, moving air.

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Attic Ventilation

Guardian Products
Roof Guardian Attic Ventilator
Gable End Guardian Unit
Gable End Guardian FAQs

Crawlspace Ventilation

How to Install System
System Configurations
Zeus Crawl Space Ventilator
Moisture Scrubber
The Zeus Adapter
West Coast Adapter Vent
Replacement Vent
Tech Designs

Crawlspace Buddy

Crawl Space Buddy

Made in USA

Gable End Guardian Unit FAQ

  1. How does the Guardian series power ventilators and Zeus adapters work?
    We use a built in damper that prohibits flames, embers, sand, and anything wind blown, out of your attic. 
    The “Guardian Zeus Adapter” transforms our crawlspace Zeus ventilators into a hard target at flame and ember contact.  Zeus has a plastic housing and the Guardian adapter is metal. 
  2. Is the temperature setting adjustable?
    Yes, it is pre set to come on at 90 degrees but this can be easily changed.
  3. How dependable is the fan?
    We use the same fan we have used for years with our Zeus unit.  They are still running fine after twenty plus years in service.  The Zeus units turn on year round and the attic units will run during the summer only, which will extend their economic life.
  4. How hard is the unit to set in place?
    Any roofer should have no problem setting the unit.  If the electrical receptacle can be reached from the hole in the roof, you would not need to get into the attic.
  5. The price seems high.
    We use galvanized steel, there is no plastic.  These units are intended to withstand whatever nature throws at it.  Our whole concept with the Guardian Series is to save your structure while providing needed ventilation.  Most homes cost over $100,000.00 to build, not to mention furnishings; you’re personal art collection, and the like.  You have most likely paid far more for door locks to keep out unwanted guest.
  6. Why not just seal up the attic and call it a day?
    Two things: heat, and moisture.  Heat buildup damages your shingles, rafters, decking, and you will also pay dearly cooling your conditioned space below.  Water vapor will accumulate and rot your rafters and decking.  If your roofing is water tight, then water vapor cannot pass through to get out.  With no vents at all, your roofing is like a glass jar inverted.  Invert a jar on your lawn tonight and then see what is in it the next morning, you will understand the problem.  Our units provide the ventilation without the entry of unwanted air born materials.
  7. How about a solar powered system? Getting off the electric grid sounds good.
    I have studied this option until I am convinced solar panels just will not do the job.  None of exhaust units operate at the peak power (figured in a lab) they clam with their advertising. The panels get dirty and must be cleaned.  The panels must face the sun correctly, which is impossible unless the panel tracks the sun’s movement (now we are taking some real money).  The solar units cease to operate as the sun goes down and this is just when the attic is at its hottest.   My Guardian units (I have two) run well after sundown removing built up heat.  Solar panels are expensive, more than doubling the initial cost and the panels can be damaged by wind and hale.
    A typical solar powered attic vent, installed, will cost about $1,000.00.  Our system, installed, might run $500.00.  Our unit will cost you an additional $3.00 per month in the summer, about six month which equals $18.00 per year of operation cost.  It will take you over 25 years to brake even with solar.  This does not even consider the air-conditioning savings to cool your living space.   Unless your home is off grid already, solar powered attic vents make no economic since.
  8. How much will it cost to operate?
    This will depend of the size and heat gain of the attic but around Three dollars per month during the summer.  The operation cost will be more than offset by the reduction in cooling bills for the conditioned area.  Depending on the house, you might pay for our Guardian unit in one summer’s cooling cycle.  If we can keep just “the one” fiery ember at bay, the savings will be spectacular.  
  9. So, the Guardian works to keep out fire and embers year round, running or off?
  10. Yes!  The damper works by air pressure.  When the outside air pressure is pushing, the damper is shut.  The damper opens when the fan comes on and in this mode of operation, the flames and embers cannot gain entry.
  11. How many units do I need?
    One for every 1,000 sqft of attic space.

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